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Sl | Name | Location | Action |
1 | Bike Riders Jaisalmer | Jaisalmer | Read More |
Bike Riders Jaisalmer is the Top Rated Motorcycle Rental Agency in Jaisalmer. We provide all types of Motor Bike Rental & Scooter/Scooty on rent in jaisalmer with cheapest price and well maintained bikes. We also organise Adventure Bike Tours.
We have varieties of bikes available with us like: Royal Enfield, Himalayan, Honda, Activa, Scooty, Scooter, Bajaj Avenger, Hero Xpulse, Honda Shine, Pulsar, Honda Navi and many more. Bike on rent in jaisalmer is best transportation mode for budget travelers and adventure lovers. Our Shop is located near railway station within distance of 400meters to 900meters. Bike Riders can travel to Fort, Gadisar Lake, Bada Bagh, Sam Sand Dunes, Kuldhara, Tanot and Longewala from their Rental Bikes In Jaisalmer.
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